Koobi Fora | Turkana Kenya

  • Koobi Fora means a place of the commiphora and the source of myrrh, which is a common plant in this hot and arid area. 
    Since the begining of research work on the site in 1968, more than 70 hominid fossils from the Plio/Pleistocene of Eastern Africa have been recovered from seven localities. 
    Prior to 1960, most of the evidence for the evolution of man during the early Pleistocene was confined to Southern Africa.
    The greatest body of evidence for early hominid development has been obtained from the large site in Northern Kenya.
    Between 1968 and 1972, a total of 87 fossil hominid specimens were recovered.
    Stone artifacts have also been obtained in the site not forgetting that other animal plant fossils have also been discovered.
    For example several taxa of giraffines have
    been yielded.